Become a Geek

Apply and make up to $20 per hour!

GeeklyHub is an exclusive task sharing and tracking platform that allows students that want to upgrade their study life collaborate with mates and request help from experienced Geeks. We are always on a lookout for skilled individuals having a tutoring experience.

What can GeeklyHub offer:

  • Freelance work for up to $20 per hour
  • Convenient session calendar with reminders
  • Constant improvement of teaching skills

Just type your info in the form below to apply!

It might take a few days for us to check your application and respond.

Step 1 of 2

Create your account

We need your email address and your name to contact you in case we have any questions.

Please note that by submitting the form you agree with our Terms and Conditions, our Privacy Policy and our Honor Code.

How it all works

  • Fill the form
    & apply
  • Get approval
    & sign in
  • Browse
    & pick requests
  • Help others
    & get paid
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